There are a variety of steps on the path to wellness. Addressing Body, Mind & Spirit are essential to good health. We take care to correct or improve your foundation of health. By doing a postural analysis we are able to address areas of constriction, tight muscles, limited range of motion and impinges nerves. Through a variety of modalities and techniques we can correct or improve your areas of weakness. This is just the start. It’s important to take care of not just your body but your mind, your spirit. Take time to laugh. Have a positive outlook. Be grateful for the things that you DO have, not dwell on what you do not. By feeding your body with not just proper nutrition, but proper exercise, care and emotion, you feed your whole self. That is the path to true wellness. Let us help you get there and stay there!
“The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.”
Deepak Chopra
Establish a Strong Foundation
Postural analysis can give clues as to where your imbalances are, where you have shorted muscles and lack of range of motion. Your nervous system is your body's electrical system – it controls and manages all functions of your body. If a nerve is pinched off by vertebrae in your spine that are out of place, then it is not functioning at its optimal level. This can cause pain and or affect the rest of your body’s systems. With a variety of massage therapy techniques, stretching and muscle energy techniques, we will locate your structural problems and reduce or correct them.
Pollution from things we encounter everyday like power lines, fluorescent lights, and computers affect our health, energy and nervous system, our own energy field and nervous system making many of us feeling weak, have headaches or just feel ill. With the use of special therapeutic techniques and tools, we help your body to better protect itself from such pollution. Combining Detoxifying Body Wraps, Foot Baths and Lymphatic Massage yield amazing results that any one therapy alone cannot accomplish.
Great for reducing or eliminating toxins in the body, the detoxifying foot bath used at Tampabay Massage Therapy & Wellness Center supports healing for chronic illness and speeds recovery from acute illness. Some patients that have come to us with pain and inflammation have reported immediate relief. Others with arthritis, allergies, gout, lymphedema, headaches, and other symptoms have experienced relief and benefits with multiple treatments. Some have experienced fatigue during the foot bath as the body's detoxification process progresses, but passes quickly as the body expels the toxins and regenerates itself. Here's how it works. As the patient sits with their feet soaking in a warm foot bath for approximately 20 minutes, a copper coil placed into the water creates a bioenergetic exchange that painlessly draws the toxins from the body using ion exchange. After treatment is completed, patients will see a dramatic change in the color and consistency of the water in which their feet have been soaking -- a result of the detoxification process. Patients who are pregnant or nursing, have a pacemaker, transplanted organ, arrhythmia, or are taking heart-regulating medication may not be candidates for the detoxifying foot bath. We recommend to patients who are diabetic or have low blood sugar, to eat a meal prior to treatment. Through a regular detoxification program, patients can maintain a general feeling of wellbeing and overall health. Your Immunity
Your immune system is your body’s first defense against germs that can make you ill. Doesn’t it make sense to make to be sure you are doing everything that you can to ensure a strong immune system? Through a variety of techniques we can help you improve your immune system and keep you feeling great.
“Many people tend to think of breakthroughs in medicine such as a new drug or high-tech surgical procedure. They often have a hard time believing that the simple choices that we make in our lifestyle -- what we eat, how we respond to stress, whether or not we smoke cigarettes, how much exercise we get, and the quality of our relationships and social support -- can be as powerful as drugs and surgery. But they often are. And in many instances, they’re even more powerful.”
Dean Ornish, M.D.
Balanced Nutrition
Everyone is in a hurry these days and seldom do we take the time to eat the way we should. Fast food is cheap and easy but unfortunately lacking in the nutrients we need and worse high in fat. Our country is facing an epidemic in obesity. Our children are unhealthy and overweight. Good nutrition is vital to good health and mental well being. Take the time and invest in your health. Make sure you are getting the nutrients that you need. We will take the time to go over your health issues, assess your diet and suggest ways for you to improve your nutrition. Eating healthfully and drinking purified water not only sustains our bodies but also provides the foundation to maximize health and wellness. But even that isn't always enough which is why, at Tampabay Massage Therapy & Wellness Center; we offer an array of natural supplements of only the highest quality. Come in for a free consultation to discuss what your particular needs are. We will put together a plan to get you feeling great and keep you feeling great; Mind, Body and Spirit.